Feb 9 2023 Stated

Vic Henke, 33°, IGH, extinguishing the tapers.

Brothers: We need a good turn-out to help plan this year’s Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal which is scheduled for March 9, 2023. Our short business meeting starts at 1900 hours, Feb 9th. We’ll then transition to our School of Light. Tonight’s education is how we best honor those brothers who have transferred to the Celestial Lodge above in the past 12 month. We have traditionally performed the Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal on or near the vernal (spring) equinox. Is this the best way? Who is the this ceremony for? And, how do we make it more poignant and meaningful to them?

The evening’s activities will not be available online unless we hear from you, brother. If you are located outside the 30-mile zone from Fort Leavenworth and want a access to the meeting and meeting materials, send an email to the Secretary’s email address.

MARCH 9, 2023 the Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal will be presented at Boughton Memorial Hall, Fort Leavenworth, KS starting at 1900 Hours. A meal is currently being planned for 1800 Hours, depending on meeting our minimum number of reservations.